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SOTW Competition - Week 1 2q0vh2h
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    SOTW Competition - Week 1

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    SOTW Competition - Week 1 Empty SOTW Competition - Week 1

    Post by RangedShock Thu Jun 04, 2009 3:49 am

    Welcome to the SOTW Competition

    I'm going to try set up a succesful SOTW Competition - With Prizes.
    The prize for the winner of the competition each week will be one granite maul.

    I know the prize isn't amasing but it's better than nothing.
    Winners will also be permitted to use the SOTW Winner bar in their signature.
    (Bar still under construction)
    (For a prize to be eligible I want atleast 5 entries.)


    Q. What is a SOTW Competition?
    A. A SOTW Competion is a signature of the week competition, meaning people produce signatures in a set theme and the best one wins.

    Q. How do I win a SOTW Competition?
    A. Thats simple - once all entries have been collected they'll be posted onto this thread for uses to vote for them.

    Q. How do I enter the competition?
    A. Simply PM me your signature and a link to download the .PSD file. This is to stop rips etc

    Q. Can I put my name on the signature?
    A. No, this is a form of identification which could result in friends voting biasely - However text is alloud.

    Q. How do I know this weeks "theme" and size specifications?
    A. There is no size specifications and the theme will be displayed on this thread.


    1. No ripping of work
    2. No posting the signature elsewhere until the end of the competition
    3. No pornographic images
    4. No suggestive text e.g text that hints at who made the sig
    5. No voting for your own signature
    6. Only one entry per person
    7. Only one vote per person

    This weeks information
    This weeks competition will commence on
    Friday 5th june
    All entries must have been PM'd to me before the closing date
    Friday 12th of june

    The theme for this weeks competition is
    Computer gaming

    All cheaters/Rippers will be punished and banned from the competition.

    Lets see some good GFX work.

    Previous Winners

    Last edited by RangedShock on Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:28 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    SOTW Competition - Week 1 Empty Re: SOTW Competition - Week 1

    Post by Blanz` Thu Jun 04, 2009 3:55 am

    we dont have a lot of gfxers
    i will make one as soon as we get some new gfxer
    thanz anyway
    gfxers we have
    void (not on anymore)
    and one other kid
    this could be rules i will try to sticky it
    V 0 I D
    V 0 I D
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    SOTW Competition - Week 1 Empty Re: SOTW Competition - Week 1

    Post by V 0 I D Thu Jun 04, 2009 5:07 am

    Blanz` wrote:ranged
    we dont have a lot of gfxers
    i will make one as soon as we get some new gfxer
    thanz anyway
    gfxers we have
    void (not on anymore)
    and one other kid
    this could be rules i will try to sticky it

    I'll be on forums, i can still do gfx, just wont b as active.
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    SOTW Competition - Week 1 Empty Re: SOTW Competition - Week 1

    Post by Blanz` Thu Jun 04, 2009 5:08 am

    V 0 I D wrote:
    Blanz` wrote:ranged
    we dont have a lot of gfxers
    i will make one as soon as we get some new gfxer
    thanz anyway
    gfxers we have
    void (not on anymore)
    and one other kid
    this could be rules i will try to sticky it

    I'll be on forums, i can still do gfx, just wont b as active.



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    SOTW Competition - Week 1 Empty Re: SOTW Competition - Week 1

    Post by Ramsin Fri Jun 05, 2009 9:28 am

    unlocked, this still can be open.
    'L E G A C Y
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    SOTW Competition - Week 1 Empty Re: SOTW Competition - Week 1

    Post by 'L E G A C Y Fri Jun 05, 2009 12:34 pm

    Ehh Ok, I'll join.
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    SOTW Competition - Week 1 Empty Re: SOTW Competition - Week 1

    Post by RangedShock Fri Jun 05, 2009 3:27 pm

    Theme Released.
    Remember a link to the signature and the .psd is required to prevent ripping.
    PM's only no posting your signature.
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    SOTW Competition - Week 1 Empty Re: SOTW Competition - Week 1

    Post by Blanz` Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:03 am

    Ramsin wrote:unlocked, this still can be open.

    and ramsin they need a format to post there pic
    [sotw/name or sig here]link here[/stow]

    RangedShock wrote:Theme Released.
    Remember a link to the signature and the .psd is required to prevent ripping.
    PM's only no posting your signature.
    they have to put it in the topice when it ends i will put them as a poll and ppl will vote for the best
    wat is the theme ranged

    hope this helps
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    SOTW Competition - Week 1 Empty Re: SOTW Competition - Week 1

    Post by RangedShock Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:49 am

    all that did was make no sense.
    They need a format.. what? They pm me their entry's it isn't hard to understand >.>
    And no they don't put it in a topic THAT RUINS THE POINT OF THEM NOT PUTTING THEIR NAME ON THE SIG.

    They don't put their name on the sig so no one can tell who made which sig having them post the signatures themselves would then completely ruin that.
    They PM me the sigs and then I post them all in one topic keeping the authors of each unknown till all votes have been recieved and verified.
    Then I release names of artists and the winners get their reward.
    They also need to PM a link to the .psd so I can verify it is their work.
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    SOTW Competition - Week 1 Empty Re: SOTW Competition - Week 1

    Post by Blanz` Sat Jun 06, 2009 4:59 am

    RangedShock wrote:all that did was make no sense.
    They need a format.. what? They pm me their entry's it isn't hard to understand >.>
    And no they don't put it in a topic THAT RUINS THE POINT OF THEM NOT PUTTING THEIR NAME ON THE SIG.

    They don't put their name on the sig so no one can tell who made which sig having them post the signatures themselves would then completely ruin that.
    They PM me the sigs and then I post them all in one topic keeping the authors of each unknown till all votes have been recieved and verified.
    Then I release names of artists and the winners get their reward.
    They also need to PM a link to the .psd so I can verify it is their work.

    oo i didn't say to put there name on them
    my way was a old why on a different server
    the had a format that show the sig in a good way
    but u can do wat giver u want it is ur sotw
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    SOTW Competition - Week 1 Empty Re: SOTW Competition - Week 1

    Post by RangedShock Sat Jun 06, 2009 3:13 pm

    I didn't say you did tell them to put there name on it.
    I said you mentioned them posting their signatures themselves
    to post there pic
    Pk Amatuer
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    SOTW Competition - Week 1 Empty Re: SOTW Competition - Week 1

    Post by Alex Sun Jun 14, 2009 1:06 am

    I can do some GFX.

    How u do Computer Gaming :p

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