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SOTW F.A.Q 2q0vh2h
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    SOTW F.A.Q

    Respected Pker
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    SOTW F.A.Q Empty SOTW F.A.Q

    Post by Blanz` Thu Jun 04, 2009 4:22 am


    Q. What is a SOTW Competition?
    A. A SOTW Competion is a signature of the week competition, meaning people produce signatures in a set theme and the best one wins.

    Q. How do I win a SOTW Competition?
    A. Thats simple - once all entries have been collected they'll be posted onto this thread for uses to vote for them.

    Q. How do I enter the competition?
    A. Simply PM me your signature and a link to download the .PSD file. This is to stop rips etc

    Q. Can I put my name on the signature?
    A. No, this is a form of identification which could result in friends voting biasely - However text is alloud.

    Q. How do I know this weeks "theme" and size specifications?
    A. There is no size specifications and the theme will be displayed on this thread.

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 30, 2024 7:58 pm